Publication Guideline

Dear Colleagues,

Thank you for participating in the workshop Pathways in Translation Studies. Since your presentations are to be published in the next issue of AUC Philologica, Translatologica Pragnesia, we would like to ask you to submit your manuscripts following the guidelines below.


  1. General Information
  • The ideal length of the article is 18,000 characters (18 standardized pages written according to these guidelines).
  • The working languages are Czech, Slovak and English.
  • Each text should be submitted along with an abstract in English and keywords. The maximum word limit for the abstract is 360 words.
  • Authors must also submit a résumé of up to 350 words in another foreign language as well as their affiliations (name and surname, workplace, email address).
  • Send your paper to or The submission deadline is February 20, 2019.


  1. Manuscript Format Guidelines
  • Do not use the AutoFormat feature. Paragraph styles should not be used either.
  • To start a new paragraph, use the enter key. Neither the tab key nor multiple spaces should be used to do so.
  • Use Times New Roman font, 12 pt., 1.5 line spacing.
  • Do not use the tab key or the space bar to indent the first line of a paragraph.
  • Use automatic footnotes. Make sure you do not insert any of the footnotes manually (using a superscript).
  • Sequential note references should be placed outside regular punctuation.
  • Place bibliography at the end of your paper. Footnotes should be used to reference or cite all the sources and literature used.
  • Indicate emphasis with italics.
  • The titles of literary works and journals should be written in italics. Quotation marks should be used within the body to indicate the titles of articles, poems etc.
  • Round brackets and square brackets should be used in the following way: (text [text] text).



  1. Citing Standards

The so-called Harvard system should be used. Make sure that you place bibliography at the end of the text.



Chesterman, Andrew (1997) Memes of Translation, Amsterdam: J. Benjamins.

Gromová, Edita and Daniela Müglová (2005) Kultúra – Interkulturalita – Translácia, Nitra: Univerzita Konštantína Filozofa.



Brian, James Baer (ed.) (2011) Contexts, Subtexts and Pretexts: Literary Translation in Eastern Europe and Russia, Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Gambier, Yves, Doorslaer, Luc (eds.) (2010, 2012, 2013) Handbook of Translation Studies, Vols. 1–3, Amsterodam: J. Benjamins.


Work in a collection

Vermeer, Hans (2000) ‘Skopos and commission in translation action’, in Lawrence Venuti (ed.) The translation studies reader, London: Routledge, 221–232.

Zajac, Peter (1986) ‘Tvorivosť prekladu’, in Ján Vilikovský (ed.) Preklad včera a dnes, Bratislava: Slovenský spisovateľ, 271–276.


Article in a periodical

Špirk, Jaroslav (2009) ‘Anton Popovič’s Contribution to Translation Studies’, Target 21(1): 3–29.

Hvišč, Jozef (1969) ‘Súčasný výskum prekladu v slovenskej literárnej vede’, Dialog 12(1): 109–118.


Electronic resources

Gambier, Yves (2005) ‘Pertinence sociale de la traductologie?’, Meta 50(4): (access: 29. 1. 2014).

Same Author, Same Publication Year

Zábrana, Jan (1968a) Lynč, Prague: Mladá fronta.

—— (1968b) Stránky z deníku, Prague: Československý spisovatel.



Example of in-text citation

For Vermeer (2000: 224) the Skopos is (a) the goal of the process, (b) the function of the translation and (c) the intention of the translation mode. He (2000: 229) defines commission as “the instruction, given by oneself or by someone else, to carry out a given action”.


Saldanha defines the translator’s style as “involving a consistent pattern of choices that distinguishes the work of one translator from that of others” (Saldanha 2005: 1).


Talking about “stereotype solutions” in prose fiction and poetry, Levý draws a comparison to “stereotype solutions”, i.e. tried and tested patterns of any type in the history of theatrical performance (Levý 2012: 71f.; Levý 1969: 62).